
(All Demonstration files, as well as the plugin, may be downloaded from the IDIA website at http://idialab.org/fmod-to-unity/).
1. Download FMOD Designer (version 2010 or older) from fmod.org.
2. Open the FMOD project “IDIA1”. See figure 1.
3.  Export the FMOD project to a Unity format (project>build>select all options). You should have a .TXT file, .FEV file, .FSB file, as well as any relevant audio files.

Figure 1 - Screen Capture of FMOD Designer project
4. FMOD files will output to the workspace folder. Place all files in a new folder called “IDIA2”.
5. Place the “IDIA2” folder into the Unity Project(IDIAFMOD>Assets. )

Figure 2 - Echo
6. Launch Echo and click “open”. See figure 2.
7. Open the IDIA1.txt file in the Unity project (IDIAFMOD>Assets).
8. Select “save”, and save it as “IDIA1Script”.
9. Echo will display a success message if the operation was successful.
10. Launch Unity, and open the “IDIAFMOD” project.
11. Open the FSGTest scene, and run.

12. To edit the script, double click, and attach to various parameters such as movement, mouse x y, etc.